Monday, 26 January 2015

Dressmaking class - jeans making

First dressmaking techniques class of new term

This term is trouser making skills for 5 weeks then we can choose to make an item of our choice, not necessarily trousers, though my choice will be that (or should it be jeans now?)
Interestingly, we are actually making up a size 12 model, short legs to save fabric, in a jeans style.
On Wednesday, the first night of the term, after introductions, we had to pair up and cut out our pattern from heavy calico, and the pocket backs from lighter weight cotton.

It took quite a while to cut out all those pieces. Then we started to assemble the front pocket and pocket bearer - this was a new term for me.
Our tutor demonstrated
Step 1 - overlock curved edges of pocket bearer. Place on top of pocket bag 2mm edge stitch around all edges
Step 2 - seam scooped pocket edge only
Step 3 - grade pocket curved seam to 5mm
Srep 4 - 2mm edge stitch with seam towards pocket bag. Press. Edge stitch will keep pocket bag from rolling out  OR press and edge stitch.

This was as far as we got. I didn't manage to do these steps in class as I hadn't taken my machine with me. As it was near the end of class, I decided I would finish these steps at home. 

Which I did do. No problems as this was fairly straightforward but I can't see the whole thing. 

I decided not to topstitch the pocket front, though of course in the final jeans,  the pocket would usually have two parallel rows of topstitching. To be honest,  I looked at trying a fancy stitch but that didn't work out. I thought it'd find out in class next time the best way to do it. 

The next step is step 5 which is sewing the pocket bags together. There isn't a diagram for this (apparently it was so difficult to draw and make sense that it was abandoned) and while I have some idea of what to do, I don't know where to stop and start the stitching. On Wednesday,  we will be getting a demonstration. There is bad weather forecast for Wednesday onwards,  but hopefully I'll make it. 

On Saturday, we will be attending a funeral in Scotland provided the roads aren't too bad. DH didn't see much snow growing up because of the influence of the Gulf Stream but the roads between here and there can be bad. 


  1. Good luck with your class - and wishing you a safe journey.

    1. My replies are going to the wrong sections! Thank you. I made it to class last night as the snow hadn't started and it looks as though it has practically gone now so our journey tomorrow is looking feasible. At least at this end.

  2. Hi Anne - it's very nice to meet you. I agree that a blog is a great way to document our sewing progress. I find it helpful looking back on previous posts to see how a garment fits, and to imagine it in a different fabrication.

    It's great that you have classes that you can attend. Learning hands on is my preference, although I can usually manage by looking at diagrams and notes. Live classes also offer the socialization that sewing at home can lack.

    Good luck with those trousers, or jeans if you choose...and stay safe on those roads!

    1. Thanks for your comment, Sue. I do enjoy my hands on classes. I love books and like you, I've managed to work things out from diagrams and notes.I prefer personal interaction and find the sewing community a great source of inspiration - both online and in person. At class, it's nice when I find I'm the one with help to offer others.


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